What is Wheezing?

Wheezing refers to the whistling sound you involuntarily make while breathing. This sound is generally heard while breathing out, but sometimes you may also hear it when you are breathing in. Although wheezing is usually an indication of a breathing problem such as bronchitis, COPD or asthma, it may also be caused because of blockage in the large airways of the lungs, or if there is a problem with the vocal chords.

Wheezing is easily treatable with the right kind of medication. There is no reason to worry, because modern medicine has made it possible to completely control and treat most of the breathing problems.

When do you meet a doctor?

Mild wheezing is fairly common when you have a cold or an upper respiratory tract infection. At such times, regular medicines prescribed by your doctor help clear your airways of the mucus (phlegm) blockage, and stop the wheezing.

However, if you find that you are wheezing for no apparent reason or that your wheezing is constantly coming back along with breathing difficulty/rapid breathing, you need to consult a doctor immediately for accurate diagnosis and treatment.