How a Test Tube Baby is Born?

How a Test Tube Baby is Born?

Out of every 100 couples, 10-15 couples need some kind of treatment for infertility. World’s 1st 1VF baby was born in 1978 in England and in just 35 years, more than 5 million babies are born worldwide through IVF.

What is a test tube baby?

Test tube baby is a baby conceived through In vitro fertilization, also called IVF in brief. In vitro means the biological process is carried outside body. In this technique woman’s eggs are fertilized with husband’s sperms outside body in laboratory in a Petri dish. The embryos formed in the process are transferred into the womb of woman which results in pregnancy.

Who needs In Vitro Fertilization or IVF A couple may need IVF when they are not able to have baby by natural method or with simple treatment? Some couples are advised to undergo IVF without any prior simple or other treatments like in cases: When husband’s sperm count or quality is below specific limits, Women who are not able to produce eggs or with both fallopian tubes blocked or defects in the uterus or severe endometriosis. These couple can have baby with IVF

The Process of making Test Tube baby

IVF treatment should be taken under supervision of IVF expert Doctors. Before a couple undergoes IVF, blood test is done. The treatment starts with the onset of menstruation and lasts for 15 days approximately or 10-14 days.

Case 1: Wife cannot produce an egg, but can carry the pregnancy Egg from the Donor & sperms from husband are fertilized outside in a Petri dish (test tube) and embryo placed in Uterus of wife.

Case 2: Wife produces egg, but unable to carry pregnancy-wife’s egg + husband’s sperms are fertilized outside in a Petri dish (Test Tube) and embryo placed in uterus of surrogate mother.